Index of values

await [Fthread]
await e suspends the execution of the calling thread until the generation of the event e.
await_n [Fthread]
await_n suspends the execution of the calling thread until the generation of the event e, or until n instants have elapsed.

cooperate [Fthread]
cooperate () returns the control to the scheduler in which it is running.
cooperate_n [Fthread]
cooperate_n n behaves like for i = 1 to n do cooperate done
create_event [Fthread]
create_event sched returns a new event associated to the scheduler sched.
create_scheduler [Fthread]
create_scheduler () returns a new scheduler.
create_thread [Fthread]
create_thread sched f a returns a new fair thread and links it to the scheduler sched.

exit [Fthread]
The basic use of exit is to terminate the pthread which is running the function main, without exiting from the whole process.

generate [Fthread]
generate e generates the event e in the associated scheduler.
generate_value [Fthread]
generate e v generates the event e and associates the value v with it.
get_value [Fthread]
get_value e suspends the execution of the calling thread until the event e is generated AND a value is associated with it.
get_value_n [Fthread]
get_value e n suspends the execution of the calling thread until the event e is generated AND a value is associated with it, or until n instants have elapsed.

join [Fthread]
thread_join th suspends the execution of the current thread until the termination of the thread th.

link [Fthread]
link sched links the calling thread to the scheduler sched.

start_scheduler [Fthread]
start_scheduler sched starts running the scheduler sched

thread_resume [Fthread]
thread_resume th asks the scheduler running the thread th to resume its execution.
thread_stop [Fthread]
thread_stop th asks the scheduler running the thread th to stop it.
thread_suspend [Fthread]
thread_suspend th asks the scheduler running the thread th to suspend its execution.

unlink [Fthread]
unlink () unlinks the current threads from its scheduler.