(file included in the distribution)

To compile OC4MC:


The OC4MC modified compiler is in the 'out' folder. To compile a program you MUST link it with a garbage collector (GC). Our GC is in the 'runtime/gcs/sc_par' folder An example can be found in the tests folder:

 Our Makefile use an environment variable to specify the GC, by default it uses our GC.
 To use your GC easily, you should put it in the 'runtime/gcs/YOUR_GC' folder.
 Our example can be compiled with the following command.
      ''GC=YOUR_GC make''

Environment variables used to tune the GC

GC_DEBUG    	      if set will print debug info, infos will be printed when SIGINT is catched (CTRL+C)
GC_TRACE	      if set will print trace of GC actions
GC_DUMP_INFOS	      if set will print infos at the end of the program
GC_SHARED_SIZE	      specifies the size of the shared heap in bytes, default : 10MB
GC_PAGE_SIZE	      specifies the size of a page of the heap in bytes, default : 4KB
GC_N_PAGES	      specifies the number of pages in the heap, default: 200
readme.txt · Last modified: 2009/07/20 16:12 by philippe